Welcome to the Sunburst Project
Putting CHERIoT hardware in the hands of embedded systems engineers.
Sonata boards are now available to purchase from Mouser.
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The Sunburst project improves the security of embedded devices by increasing the adoption of secure hardware. We will produce two types of development boards featuring capability-enhanced processors based on the CHERIoT technology, with the goal of getting this technology into the hands of engineers.
The Sunburst project is a collaboration between lowRISC CIC, DSbD / UKRI, and NewAE Technology (a wholly owned subsidiary of lowRISC). The CHERIoT technology was initially specified by Microsoft based on the CHERI work done at the University of Cambridge.
This project runs from to .
The News
SOOCon24 presentation: Sonata low-cost CHERI hardware for embedded systems
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Flag day for the CHERIoT compiler and RTOS
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Sunburst project status update with open source Sonata PCB design
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The Plan
A low cost development board for investigating CHERI security enhancements.
- lowRISC will build a complete system around the existing cheriot-ibex hardware design and host it on a low-cost, purpose-built FPGA board.
- 100 of these boards will be distributed to target institutions.
- The prototype board will be made available through an international distributor.

A feature-rich evaluation platform that will allow full analysis of CHERI enhancements in a wider system.
- Symphony is a new top-level design that lowRISC will develop, integrating cheriot-ibex with an OpenTitan root of trust via a purpose-designed bridge interface.
- This will be hosted on NewAE's CW340 FPGA board.